Toastmasters Club of Dwarka Celebrates its 500th Meeting

Toastmasters International is a nonprofit educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network of clubs.

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Aplatform designated to providing vibrant opportunities, the Toastmasters Club of Dwarka (TMCD) organized its 500th meeting on Sunday, February 7. Toastmasters International is a non-profit educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network of clubs, and helps one learn and grow in both personal and professional arenas

The offline event, a first since the world started grappling the unprecedented impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, was held at Hotel Radisson Blue, Dwarka, New Delhi. Members present at the meeting engaged in a showcase of talents, such as singing, dancing, and more. Members of the Toastmasters’ club say that being a part of the group has huge benefits, and that one has to experience it to believe it.

The TMCD was established in 2007, and ever since its inception has been helping people enhance their communication and leadership skills. The club meets every Sunday to provide a collaborative and interactive learning platform for its members. Using Toastmaster guidelines, the members give a series of talks and provide helpful suggestions for improvement to each other, in addition to giving positive feedback. The TMCD has produced many professional speakers, authors and professionals who have excelled professionally and personally.

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“We learn best in moments of enjoyment.” – Ralph C Smedley, Founder of Toastmasters International

While the club underwent a similar impact as the rest of the world during the pandemic induced lockdown in March 2020 and onwards, the team at TMCD continued their meetings online. As per its members, the commitment, dedication, and ingenuity kept the show going for them. They add that the virtual experience did not detract benefits of the club.

Headquartered in Englewood, Colo., the organization’s membership exceeds 358,000 in more than 16,800 clubs in 143 countries. Since 1924, Toastmasters International has been working to make confident speakers, communicators, and leaders out of people from diverse backgrounds. The members say that it is an exciting, flexible and interactive way to develop one’s skills and help others in develops theirs.

As per the team, the highlight of the club is the Pathways learning experience, a multi-language education program It has been designed in a way that allows members to leverage over 300 practical workplace skills, including: public speaking, presentation skills, conflict resolution, effective leadership, and communication skills