Jyoti Nair is a seasoned Learning and Development Professional. She currently works for a top-notch Indian MNC as Capability Development Manager in Mumbai. Jyoti is an ardent animal lover, a barefooted stroll on wet grass is a stimulus that helps her to unwind. She believes in living for her soul's calling, she signs in saying, have you ever realised that those shrugged-off life trivia may store the most precious moments from the walks of your life. She can be reached on twitter@noIMEMYSELF
That guilt reeking dusk he gulps, with some smouldering sighs
His abrased chisel seethes, dungeon door writhed
He (the sculptor) cherished her nudgy prayers for a few morsels
She, a mute urchin, mutilated again, by those heinous… Read More...