CSIR and University of Delhi Launch Analytical Toxicology

NEP approach towards skill-based learning will help individuals identify skill sets much earlier, thereby fostering a strong culture for innovation and empowering students to be future ready.

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The New Education Policy – 2020 lays emphasis on strengthening the link between research and teaching at the undergraduate level. It is believed that this approach towards skill-based learning will help individuals identify skill sets much earlier, thereby fostering a strong culture for innovation and empowering students to be future ready.

These were thoughts that echoed during the inauguration of the Add-on Course on “Analytical Toxicology” being offered jointly by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research (CSIR-IITR), Lucknow and Hindu College, University of Delhi, under the umbrella of CSIR Integrated Skill Development Initiative.

In his presidential address, Chief Guest, Dr Shekhar C. Mande, Director General, CSIR and Secretary, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), emphasized the role of CSIR in fostering a technology, research and innovation driven ecosystem in academic institutions of the country.

Prof. Alok Dhawan, Director, CSIRIITR shared the salient features of the field of toxicology and its scope for various avenues in the real world.

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He highlighted that toxicology has always been a translational science which defines the domains of safety.

Dr Anju Srivastava, Principal, Hindu College, Delhi, reiterated that the college has always striven for providing learning experience beyond the curriculum and it is another such attempt in this direction.

The inaugural event also included an interactive question and answer Session in which DG, CSIR and Director, CSIR-IITR responded to the queries of students.Earlier, Dr D Parmar, Chief Scientist, CSIR-IITR spoke about the genesis of the online analytical toxicology programme. (India Science Wire)