It’s Easy to Say, but Hard to Stay

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It’s easy to say,
Everything will be okay.
When you haven’t been through tough days.
When it’s hard to get up from bed,
And thinking everything would have been easier,

If you were already dead.
So, next time
“I’m here” is all you gotta say,
Be there for your loved ones at the end of the day.

It’s easy to say,
Everything will be okay
When you haven’t experienced
The numbness in your brain,
When there’s smile on your face and tears rushing through your veins.
So next time
“You can tell me what’s wrong” is you all gotta say,
Just be there for your loved ones at the end of the day.

It’s easy to say,
Everything will be okay.
When coping up with regular life is not a hard task,
When you don’t have to pretend
“Everything is alright” with a happy mask.
Don’t tell them,
“It’s life, Bad things happen.”
“Chill Boss, why are you always so Sullen (annoyed).”
Just tell them, “How their smile makes your day.”
Just be there for your loved ones at the end of the day.

It’s easy to say,
Everything will be okay.
Don’t tell them to meditate,
If they could manage themselves
They wouldn’t hesitate.
They are stuck between fabric of normal looking humans

And healing themselves in unsociable ways.
So please just be there for your loved ones at the end of the day.

A small incident can affect someone in a huge way,
Please be sensitive and compassionate towards every person, everyday.
Because in the end, it’s easy to say
Everything will be okay
But, it’s damn hard to be a reason for someone to stay.