Ode to Womanhood

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B-Breezy bewitching moon-lilt, swoon over her forehead

I-Indigenous pride, scrubbed through umpteen culture erosions

N-Nancy, Nandini, Nilofer, all adore her…

D-Dainty designs, welding religions, righteousness, distant friendships…

I-In purses, through relics, they weave their indomitable smiles.


B-Ballsy conjoined glaciers…

O-Orbs, have been melting, to feed us…

S-Since God chose her, as the elixir of life.

O-Orbits, donning her boisterous spirit, around the sun-dial, while…

M-Morpheus, empties his palette, his vigor, copiously…

S-Serenades her, in silver-serene nights.


V-Valiant tresses…

I-Indefatigable warriors, they are.

R-Resurrecting battered bones, also the blurred faith of that dawn.

A-Azure braids, ride away at a canter…

G-Gallant victories gleam, moral police all agog.

O-Ode to womanhood this…crusaders who write transgressing tides.