Union Minister of Agriculture Visits Be’er Milka Farm of Indian Farmer in Israel

Nearly 60 Post-doctoral fellows from India are undertaking research activities in various institutes of ARO Volcani Centre.

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The Union Minister of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Shri Narendra Singh Tomar, and an Indian delegation travelled extensively from Tel Aviv to visit a desert boutique farm, Be’er Milka, owned by a farmer of Indian origin Mr. Sharon Cherry in Negev desert area. This progressive farmer has adopted modern technologies with the technical support of Ramat Negev Agro Research Centre and is growing vegetables, fruits and superfoods in the heart of Negev desert. During the visit, the Indian delegation acquired information about technological advancements in dry-land farming and support and outreach in applied agriculture by Israel’s regional research centres.

The Indian delegation led by Shri Narendra Singh Tomar also visited the Agricultural Research Organization (ARO), Volcani Institute of Israeli Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development on 10th May 2022. Shri Tomar interacted with ARO experts on various issues related to technological advancements in agriculture in the Indian context. The problems of deliberations include crop cultivation in protected environments, freshwater fish farming, advanced plant protection techniques, precision agriculture, remote sensing and post-harvest science and technology, etc.

ARO, Volcani Institute, and its six institutes working under the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development are responsible for academic and basic research in Plant Sciences, Animal Science, Plant Protection, Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Engineering, and Post Harvest and Food Sciences. Israel’s Gene Bank for Agricultural Crops is also located on the ARO Volcani Center campus.

ARO focuses particularly on arid zone agriculture, enabling Israel – a country short of all the resources required for agriculture – to achieve among the world’s highest levels of agricultural output. ARO maintains close relations with the various international, regional, and national institutes promoting sound farming practices, particularly with the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

Nearly 60 Post-doctoral fellows from India are undertaking research activities in various institutes of ARO Volcani Centre. The fellowships are generally from three months up to two years. The Indian delegation interacted with the Indian Post-doctoral Fellows and resource persons of ARO Volcani Centre on various issues related to modern agricultural technologies.

A Round Table meeting between Union Minister of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Shri Narender Singh Tomar and Agriculture & Rural Development Minister of Israel, Mr. Oded Forer, was held on 11-05-2022 in Parliament House, Jerusalem, during the visit of the Indian delegation to Israel. The Minister discussed various issues related to modern agro techniques, capacity building, transfer of knowledge know-how and support in the fields of agriculture, water management, environment and rural development with the Minister of Agriculture, Israel and other stakeholders, keeping in view the scope and potential of agriculture development in both the countries.

During the interaction, MASHAV’s agricultural cooperation programmes and other stakeholders’ professional training activities in India were appreciated. The Minister stated that the Indian Government has to explore the possibilities to adopt MASHAV’s activities in India, focusing on capacity building and transfer of knowledge for which Centres of Excellence will be established in each State.

During the meeting of the Indian delegation with the Agriculture & Rural Development Minister of Israel, the deliberations were highly beneficial to agriculture development in India.