Words are weary
Overworked and travel stained.
Constant use and reuse
Severely tested their strength
Long sentences and cliched usages
Have put in their toll.
Words had to rule over letters
With an iron hand.
Letters were often unruly
Mischievous and rebellious
They arranged themselves
On their whims and wills.
Some do not come in time
Some repeat themselves
Causing havoc and ruin
To the house of words.
People differed in handling words
Writers and artists are slave drivers
Making words work overtime.
Politicians and orators extolled words
Exuding sound and fury.
Teachers and scholars are punctilious
Expecting prompt response.
Bureaucrats grinded words
Keeping them chained to the desk
Lovers caressed words
Fondling them into submission.
Words had enough
Let people manage
With minimum letters.
Spelling and punctuation
Are things of past
And grammar a lost soul.
SMS run effectively without words
Emoticons and smileys
Can take their place
And words can take a long rest cure.