As Covid Cases Surge, Foreign Aid Pours In

From oxygen cylinders to hospital beds, the GOI has been allocating foreign aid received by the country to states & UTs in an effort to strengthen the healthcare system.

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The Government of India, in attempts to strengthen the medical infrastructure across the country and deal with the Covid-19 ‘tsunami’, has provided states with 8,900 oxygen concentrators, 5043 oxygen cylinders, 18 oxygen generation plants, 5689 ventilators, and over 3 lakh vials of Remdesivir, all received from foreign outlets willing to provide aid during the second wave of Covid-19.

The aid is being provided by governments of several countries, including the United Kingdom, Netherlands, South Korea, United States of America, and Japan, among others. Foreign and Indian communities residing abroad have also contributed.

On May 9, the GOI received 1000 ventilators/BiPAP/CPAP, 2500+ oxygen concentrators, 10000 oximeters, and 200 oxygen cylinders from the UK, South Korea, and the US-India Strategic Partnership Forum (USISPF). The day before, the governments of Canada, Thailand, Netherlands, Austria, Czech Republic, Israel, USA, Japan, Malaysia, provided India with 2400 oxygen concentrators, 25,000 Remdesivir vials, 218 ventilators, and about 7 lakh testing kits. GOI also received aid from Gilead (USA), Salesforce (USA), and the Indian community in Thailand on the day.

On Monday, GOI said that through a streamlined mechanism, various ministries/departments have collaborated and delivered the incoming global aid to states and UTs. Maharashtra, which has the highest number of cases in the country, received 13 ventilators from Denmark and 300 oxygen concentrators from Salesforce on Sunday.

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GOI also provided the Andaman and Nicobar Islands with 44 oxygen concentrators on Monday. Three Egypt Air Force Planes, that landed on Monday afternoon, brought in 300 oxygen cylinders, 20 ventilators, 100 patient beds, and 8000 Remdesivir vials. During the last week, the Central government has distributed aid to

“A dedicated Coordination Cell has been created in the Union Health Ministry, which started functioning on April 26, to coordinate the receipt and allocation of foreign COVID relief material as grants, aid, and donations. A Standard Operating Procedure has been framed and implemented by the Health Ministry since May 2,” a statement from the Health Ministry read.

GOI has been receiving international donations and aid of COVID-19 relief medical supplies and equipment since April 27 from different countries/organizations.

“In this hour of crisis, many countries have raised their hands to help India. To bring medical relief products coming to various countries at a rapid pace to the states and union territories.

MoHFW is engaged in work day and night,” Union Health Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan said.

India clocked 3.53 lakh Covid cases and 3754 deaths on Sunday, which comes as a breather in a week that witnessed over 4 lakh fresh infections every day. Over 17 crore citizens have been vaccinated, of which 6.89 lakh were vaccinated on Sunday.